Have you ever had to give a presentation or a speech and wished that you could be anywhere but there? 

Well you are not alone! Some experts estimate that up to 77% of the population have some level of anxiety regarding public speaking. Replacing nerves for a feeling of confidence and preparedness is what many people hope for but struggle to achieve when presenting. 

Being able to manage your nerves and create a strong structured presentation will provide you with confidence whenever you are asked to speak in front of an audience be it a work presentation, a wedding or any other type of engagement that you are called upon to present at.

Program Outline:

  • Structure your presentation

  • Conquering your fears and obstacles 

  • Mastering the key skills of presenting

  • Preparing for your Presentation

  • Working with Visual Aids

  • Personal one on one presentation coaching 

The learning outcomes for this program are designed to assist you to:

  • Assess the effectiveness of your current presenting style
  • Identify and overcome your presentation fears 
  • Prepare a structured presentation
  • Incorporate and utilise visual aids effectively
  • Master the core skills of presenting
  • Develop your personal confidence when presenting.

We also provide coaching sessions to assist individuals or teams prepare for upcoming presentations or pitches. 

Contact us to discuss your personal coaching needs. 

Program Delivery Options

Face to Face Program – $1475pp Plus GST

Talk to us about running this for your organisation.


  • 1 day face to face program (limit of 10 participants)
  • Workbook and program materials provided
  • Digital copy of personal presentations
All of our programs can be conducted as in-house programs or CEC can tailor a program to your company’s needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.