Everybody thinks differently, but few of us take the time to understand why we communicate the way we do and how we  can adapt to become more effective when interacting with others.

We don’t all have one way of thinking. Herrmann’s research shows that there are four different thinking preferences and these preferences make up the Whole Brain® Thinking Model. 

When we understand our own thinking preferences we are able to adapt and leverage different thinking styles rather than sticking to our “default” mode. This can  improve our ability to make decisions, problem solve, innovate, collaborate and communicate more effectively with those around us.​​

This same approach can be applied across a range of business areas from sales, customer service, marketing through to product development, HR and operations.​​

The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI) measures the degree of preference between each of the four individual thinking Styles (quadrants) as defined by the Whole Brain® Thinking Model and presents these results as an individual  “HBDI Profile”.  These tools can be used for personal growth, Leadership development, innovation and organisational development

We have  been using The Herrmann Whole Brain® Thinking Model for over 8 years to help individuals and teams become more aware of their own thinking preferences.

leadership and management growth

The learning outcomes for this program are designed to assist you to:

  • Understand the 4 different Thinking quadrants
  • Adapt our own Thinking preference in various situations
  • Improve individual and team effectiveness
  • Increase productivity and communication

Program Delivery Options

Individual Profile

HBDI Profile and personal debrief – $485pp Plus GST


  • Includes individual HBDI Whole Brain® Thinking profile
  • 1hr personal on-line debrief
  • Access to on-line profile

HBDI Profile and group debrief – $385pp Plus GST


  • Includes individual HBDI Whole Brain® Thinking profile
  • 1hr group on-line debrief (min 2 people required to run)
  • Access to on-line profile

Team Profile

HBDI Team session with Profiles – 


  • Individual HBDI Whole Brain® Thinking profile for each team member
  • 3.5 hours team session – can be delivered face to face or on-line
  • Combined team profile
  • Individual access to on-line profile

HBDI Team session without Profiles – 

 Ideal for large groups and conferences


  • Overview of HBDI Whole Brain® Thinking model
  • Introduction to the 4 thinking styles
  • 1.5-2 hours team session – can be delivered face to face or on-line

*Face to Face programs exclude accommodation and travel outside Melbourne and Sydney metro area

All of our programs can be conducted as in-house programs or CEC can tailor a program to your company’s needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.