In addition to our design approach, we utilise a range of frameworks and diagnostic tools designed to assist with identifying current strengths and targeting development opportunities ​for both individuals and teams.

We can design and administer these assessment tools online and incorporate the results and learnings into our various programs. 

Self-evaluations, self-monitoring, and self-regulation enable individuals to identify areas where they can improve their performance and contributions to the team.

Peer based evaluations allow team members to assess each other’s strengths and behaviours.

Team based assessments help teams focus on their culture, tasks, priorities and goals. They also identify  potential obstacles that prevent the team from reaching its full potential.

The types of assessment tools we offer include:

  • 360 feedback assessments
  • High Performance Team Survey  
  • HBDI – Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®
  • Disc Personality profiles 
  • Individual and Team based reporting