Personal growth is a  journey we can all benefit from throughout our lives.  Coaching is not telling you what to think or how to think, its focusses on creating a space that allows you to think and develop your own solution for growth.

Whether you are working with a team or an individual, coaching is designed to support a person’s continuous growth by providing them with the opportunity to develop a greater awareness of themselves, their strengths and improve their current situation. Through the use of various tools and techniques, the aim is to help the individual take practical steps towards overcoming personal and/or professional challenges as well as achieving their identified goals.

Program Outline:

  • Defining the Elements of effective Coaching 

  • Practicing the Art of Coaching 

  • Coaching Challenges and Having Difficult Conversations

The learning outcomes for this program are designed to assist you to:

  • Develop a growth focused coaching mindset
  • Identify the value of coaching
  • Navigate the various stages of coaching
  • Leverage strengths to increase an individual’s potential
  • Deliver quality one-on-one coaching 
  • Adapt to different communication preferences when coaching
  • Identify coaching challenges and having the difficult conversations 
  • Create a consistent coaching approach

Thanks so much for your coaching program, I have been a manager for many years and have a great team but I think I have spent more time telling them what to do rather than coaching them. Trying the coaching method has taken my team up such a level it’s been incredible to see.

Jules, Priceline

Program Delivery Options

Virtual program 

Talk to us about running this for your organisation.


  • 3 x 2 hour Webinar modules
  • Pre Activities
  • Downloadable workbook
  • All webinars are live and interactive

Face to Face Program 

Talk to us about running this for your organisation.


  • 1 day face to face program
  • Workbook and program materials provided
All of our programs can be conducted as in-house programs or CEC can tailor a program to your company’s needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.